Press Releases

MEDIA ADVISORY: T&I Republicans to Hold Energy Crisis Roundtable

Washington, D.C., April 1, 2022 | Justin Harclerode (202) 225-9446
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Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Ranking Member Sam Graves (R- MO) and Committee Republicans will hold a Roundtable on the Energy Crisis next week to hear from key energy stakeholders on what they see as the major challenges affecting their industry and their ability to safely and efficiently move American energy.

“Since the very first days of this Administration, the President and the Majority have ignored the reality of America’s energy needs, pushing their policies to slow or block domestic energy production, safe and efficient energy transportation, and timely infrastructure project approvals,” said Ranking Member Sam Graves.    “Once the harsh reality and impacts of their decisions hit, they started blaming everyone else for the results.  Now that the costs to fill up our gas tanks and heat our homes are soaring, Americans aren’t looking for finger pointing – they’re looking for real solutions, and Republicans are committed to helping find them.  Committee Republicans look forward to hearing from energy sector stakeholders about the challenges and obstacles they face in safely moving energy throughout the country and helping restore America’s energy independence.”

Event Details:

T&I Committee Republican Roundtable on the Energy Crisis

Date & Time – 2:00 p.m. (EDT), Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Location – 2167 Rayburn House Office Building

This event will also be webcast live on the T&I Republicans’ website.

Note for media: reporters are welcome to attend in person.  Please RSVP to if you wish to attend.

Roundtable Participants:

  • Will Jordan, Executive Vice President and General Counsel, EQT Corporation
  • Eric Marchetto, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Trinity Industries
  • John Stoody, Vice President, Government & Public Relations, Association of Oil and Gas Pipelines
  • Joan Dreskin, Senior Vice President and General Counsel, Interstate Natural Gas Association of America
  • Roger Guenther, Executive Director, Port of Houston
  • Randall Reese, Executive Director and CEO, Sabine Neches Navigation District

    More information about the roundtable will be posted here as it becomes available.