Press Releases
Roundtable on the Impact of the FAST Act’s Freight ProvisionsHighways and Transit Subcommittee Chairman Sam Graves (R-MO) will lead a Subcommittee roundtable policy discussion next week to discuss the impact on freight of the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act. The movement of freight and related industries are significant contributors to the U.S. economy. Trucks carry about 70 percent of all freight tonnage, and truck tonnage is projected to increase 35 percent by 2040. By that year, the Federal Highway Administration estimates that on nearly 20 percent of the National Highway System (NHS), every fourth vehicle will be a truck. Absent an increase in capacity, increases in truck and motor vehicle traffic will result in greater congestion on America’s roads. The FAST Act contained a number of provisions aimed at promoting the efficient movement of freight across all modes of transportation. The purpose of next Thursday’s roundtable is to provide Committee members an opportunity to hear from a variety of stakeholders on the impact of the freight provisions of the FAST Act and trends in freight distribution that will affect freight flows and transportation infrastructure needs. This Subcommittee roundtable, entitled “Impact of the FAST Act’s Freight Provisions,” is scheduled to begin at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, September 22, 2016 in 2167 Rayburn House Office Building. The roundtable is open to the public and news media. Media Notice: video recording is not permitted during the roundtable. Roundtable participants: Click here for additional information.