Press Releases

Shuster Welcomes Driverless Car to DC

Invites Lawmakers to Experience Groundbreaking Technology

Washington, DC, June 24, 2014 | Justin Harclerode (202) 225-9446
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Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Bill Shuster (R-PA) welcomed Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) and its autonomous vehicle to the Nation’s capital today, as CMU begins two days of demonstrations of the innovative technology for Members of Congress, Administration officials, and others.


After recently riding in the CMU driverless car in and around Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Shuster urged CMU project leaders to bring the car to Washington, DC so that other lawmakers and transportation officials can also experience the technology.

“Autonomous vehicles and other emerging technologies have significant potential to increase transportation safety and efficiency,” Shuster said.  “The future of transportation is coming quickly, and it’s important to provide policymakers with opportunities to gain a better understanding of these kinds of innovations. 

“As the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee continues to develop a long-term surface transportation bill, we are working to help promote innovation,” Shuster said.  “We have to encourage our state partners to utilize new technologies, and along with the states, we must begin planning for the benefits and challenges that new technologies will bring to our transportation system.”

Today, after officially welcoming CMU to Washington, Shuster and U.S. Department of Transportation Acting Under Secretary for Policy Peter Rogoff rode in the automated vehicle.  The route included multi-lane traffic around the U.S. Capitol building; numerous intersections, traffic lights, and lane changes; and travel on Interstate 395 across the Potomac into Virginia and back to the Capitol.

Carnegie Mellon University has been a pioneer in the development of driverless automobile technology and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) over the years.

On Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. ET, during a live Q&A on Facebook, Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Members Larry Bucshon (R-IN) and Bob Gibbs (R-OH) will discuss their experiences riding in the ‪#‎driverless vehicle and answer questions on the importance of fostering innovation and the future of transportation.



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