Press Releases

Committee to Host WRDA Roundtable on Maximizing Benefits of Water Resources Development

Washington DC, April 8, 2013 | Justin Harclerode (202) 225-9446
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Committee leaders will host a bipartisan roundtable discussion Wednesday on issues related to the development of a Water Resources Development Act (WRDA).

Wednesday’s roundtable will focus on maximizing the systemwide benefits of developing our water resources.  The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ mission includes inland waterways system improvements, as well as work that provides flood protection, water supply, hydropower, ecosystem restoration, and recreation benefits.  A project undertaken by the Corps often results in improvements across this spectrum of benefits. 

The Committee is continuing to gather input from various stakeholders in preparation for developing a WRDA that responsibly addresses the Nation’s water transportation and infrastructure needs.  The meeting will be hosted by Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Bill Shuster (R-PA), Full Committee Ranking Member Nick J. Rahall, II (D-WV), Water Resources and Environment Subcommittee Chairman Bob Gibbs (R-OH), and Subcommittee Ranking Member Tim Bishop (D-NY).  A previous meeting focused on ports and trade.

The roundtable is scheduled to begin at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, April 10, 2013 in 2253 Rayburn House Office Building.  Space will be limited.  Members of the press who wish to attend please RSVP to or

Invited participants include: Waterways Council, Inc. President Mike Toohey; National Waterways Conference President Amy Larson; National Association of Flood and Stormwater Management Agencies Executive Director Susan Gilson; American Shore and Beach Preservation Association President Harry Simmons; The Nature Conservancy’s North American Freshwater Program Deputy Director Mark Smith; and International Union of Operating Engineers Assistant Legislative and Political Director Jeff Soth.

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