Press Releases

T&I Republicans Concerned about Partisan Impeachment’s Impact on Infrastructure Bills

Washington, D.C., November 26, 2019 | Justin Harclerode (202) 225-9446
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After an uncharacteristically partisan Transportation and Infrastructure Committee markup of several bills, including a reauthorization of the expired federal pipeline safety program, the Ranking Republican Member of Committee and its subcommittee leaders wrote to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to express their concerns that her partisan and politically motivated agenda threatens the Committee’s ability to work across the aisle to successfully address America’s infrastructure needs.

“It is becoming clear that the Majority’s partisan impeachment and anti-Trump agenda is infecting even the most bipartisan work this Congress does,” said Ranking Member Sam Graves (R-MO).  “The Transportation Committee isn’t immune to the negative impacts of the Speaker’s desire to overturn the 2016 election and focus the House on issues that divide us rather than those that unite us.  It is my hope that the Committee can be above the petty partisan politics being pushed by Speaker Pelosi’s leadership and deliver on our promises to improve the Nation’s infrastructure for all Americans.  Our constituents expect us to work together on these important issues, not focus on relitigating the election.”

The text of the letter:

Dear Madam Speaker:

Over the years, the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee has been perhaps the most bipartisan committee in the House of Representatives, a tradition that has translated into its ability to get things done for our districts, the economy, and the American people.  This bipartisan reputation is a reason Members often seek a seat on the Committee.

With your ongoing attempt to impeach the President, and the election cycle already gaining steam, T&I Republicans are concerned that our traditionally bipartisan committee is becoming distracted by partisan and political battles instead of focusing on what we were sent to Washington to do – work to improve the Nation’s infrastructure.

The fact that we failed to approve a bipartisan pipeline safety reauthorization bill during the Committee’s November 20th markup – something our Committee has routinely done in recent years – is concerning for the prospects of future legislation.

As the history of this Committee shows, partnership – not partisanship – is what leads to achieving our shared goal of improving America’s infrastructure.  It’s why our Committee produces legislation that gets signed into law.  It’s the approach necessary to tackle the important work that still lies before us this Congress, including a vital surface transportation reauthorization bill, the next Water Resources Development Act, and other legislation that will address our Nation’s infrastructure needs.

The T&I Committee’s proven roadmap for success has always been working together to pass bipartisan bills, and Committee Republicans remain ready and willing to continue working with our colleagues across the aisle to follow that path.  When the Committee succeeds, the American people succeed, and they deserve nothing less than our best efforts to produce successes.

Click here for a pdf of the letter.