Press Releases

Shuster Statement on Recent Transportation Funding Proposals

Washington, DC, February 26, 2014 | Justin Harclerode (202) 225-9446
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Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Chairman Bill Shuster (R-PA) released a statement today following Ways and Means Chairman Dave Camp’s recently announced tax reform plan that includes revenue dedicated to the Highway Trust Fund, to supplement the Trust Fund’s user fee revenues.

“This fiscally responsible provision would provide greater certainty for the Highway Trust Fund and the nation’s surface transportation infrastructure in the coming years,” said Shuster.  “The Transportation Committee continues to develop surface transportation legislation for action later this year, and this tax reform proposal could play a meaningful role in a bill that facilitates economic growth and helps America remain globally competitive.”

Additionally, today in Minnesota President Obama will outline his transportation proposal.

Shuster said, “I am committed to moving forward with fiscally responsible transportation solutions to promote competitiveness and economic growth, reform programs, and focus our resources where they are needed most. Chairman Camp and President Obama have presented proposals that I hope will bring increased focus to the challenges facing the Highway Trust Fund and the importance of the federal role in our national transportation system.”

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