Press Releases

Shuster Statement on President’s Announcement on FAA and Air Traffic Control Reform

Washington, D.C., June 5, 2017 | Justin Harclerode (202) 225-9446
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Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Bill Shuster (R-PA) released the following statement after joining President Donald J. Trump and Department of Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao for the president’s announcement on principles for air traffic control and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) reform.

Shuster’s committee continues to work on a comprehensive FAA authorization and reform bill this year that provides transformational reform of the Nation’s air traffic control service and moves America towards a 21st century aviation system that is without equal in the world.

Shuster statement:

“I commend the President for his leadership in challenging the old way of thinking in Washington.

“Innovative thinking – not bureaucracy – is what defines the American spirit. That spirit, displayed in Kitty Hawk, launched aviation and made America the forerunner of this vital industry.  Now is the time to unleash the American aviation spirit once again.

“We can’t become complacent.  While other countries now have aviation systems that feature the most modern technology, America’s air traffic controllers still have to manage airplanes with paper strips and WWII era technology.

“This reform will bring our aviation system into the 21st century.  As Chairman of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, I would never support a policy that would endanger the safety of our aviation system and passengers.  The fact is this is a proven, good-government reform that has been successfully done around the world in over 60 other countries, and will improve our aviation system for all of its users and all of our communities – large and small. 

“I welcome the release of the President’s input on air traffic control reform, and look forward to working with the administration, Secretary Chao, Members of Congress, and America’s aviation community to continue moving forward with a transformational FAA reform bill.”

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Tags: Aviation