Press Releases
Shuster Outlines Principles for FAA ReformTransportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Bill Shuster (R-PA) today outlined principles for legislation the Committee is developing to reauthorize and reform the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the Nation’s aviation system. Shuster spoke at the Aero Club of Washington about the need for transformational FAA reform that will ensure a safe, efficient, modern aviation system that benefits passengers with fewer delays and greater reliability, fosters innovation, and secures America’s future competitiveness in aviation. The U.S. aviation system is the busiest in the world and passenger levels are expected to reach one billion passengers annually by the end of the next decade. However, this growing demand will further burden an air traffic control system that is based on decades-old technology. Repeated federal efforts to modernize the system have failed, despite spending billions of taxpayer dollars. Furthermore, American innovation in the industry continues to be stifled by bureaucracy, and federal aviation funding remains subject to political uncertainty and budget battles. Click here to read Chairman Shuster’s prepared remarks from today, which outline a way to address these critical problems. Click here to read a summary of principles for the legislation being developed. # # # |