Press Releases

Shuster Announces Staff Changes at Water Resources & Environment Subcommittee

Washington, DC, December 8, 2014 | Justin Harclerode (202) 225-9446
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Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Bill Shuster (R-PA) today announced the departure of Water Resources and Environment Subcommittee Staff Director John Anderson, and the promotion of Geoff Bowman to become the new Staff Director of the Subcommittee.

John Anderson has served as the Water Resources and Environment Subcommittee’s Republican Staff Director for the last nine years, after first joining the Subcommittee staff in 1999.  In this Congress, Anderson led the Subcommittee staff during the development and successful passage of the Water Resources Reform and Development Act (WRRDA) of 2014, the most reform focused water resources measure signed into law in decades.  Anderson also has 26 years of service working in the Army Corps of Engineers civil works program.  With his combined experience with the Corps of Engineers and Congress, Anderson has played a role in drafting every Water Resources Development Act since 1990.

Shuster said, “John is one of Congress’ foremost staff experts on our Nation’s ports and waterways infrastructure and the federal water resources programs.  His extensive knowledge and experience were fundamental to the development and passage of WRRDA this year, the creation of countless previous measures addressing America’s water transportation system, and Congressional efforts to help ensure a reasoned approach to environmental regulation.  I greatly appreciate his service to this Committee, the Congress, and our country, and I wish him the very best.”

Geoff Bowman, newly elevated to Staff Director of the Water Resources and Environment Subcommittee, has served on the Subcommittee since 2003 and played a prominent role in the development of many key provisions in this year’s WRRDA.  Prior to joining the Subcommittee, Bowman served as Senior Legislative Assistant for U.S. Rep. Walter Jones of North Carolina, and as Senior Legislative Assistant and Legislative Director for U.S. Rep. Rick Hill of Montana.

“Geoff is a seasoned member of our staff, and knows the issues before the Water Resources Subcommittee inside and out,” Shuster said.  “I have every confidence that under Geoff’s leadership, the staff will continue to provide the professional, reliable guidance that Members of the Committee and I have come to rely upon when working to address our Nation’s water resources infrastructure issues.”

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