Press Releases

T&I Committee Approves Measures to Improve Aerospace Supply Chain, Disaster Recovery, & Judicial Security

Washington, D.C., June 15, 2022 | Justin Harclerode (202) 225-9446
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The Transportation and Infrastructure Committee approved several measures today, including bills to help strengthen the U.S. aerospace supply chain; improve disaster recovery programs for impacted communities and reduce duplication in federal disaster assistance programs; and make security improvements for members of the judiciary.

The full list of measures approved today by the Committee:

  • H.R. 8049, the American Aerospace Supply Chain Resiliency, Innovation, and Advancement Act of 2022 – as America continues to face significant supply chain issues throughout the economy, this bill establishes an aerospace supply chain task force to look at the unique issues found within this critical industry and how to ensure the United States aerospace industry remains a world leader in safety and innovation.
  • H.R. 5774, the Expediting Disaster Recovery Act – this bill ensures that unmet needs after a major disaster – such as home repair and rebuilding, and economic and business recovery measures – are met while reducing duplication of funding across the federal government.
  • H.R 7321, the Safe Aircraft Maintenance Standards Act – this bill seeks to improve foreign repair station oversight while ensuring that the United States remains in compliance with its international agreements.
  • H.R. 1468, the Securities and Exchange Commission Real Estate Leasing Authority Revocation Act – this bill revokes the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) leasing authority for general office space, conforms their authority with their current practice of leasing through General Services Administration (GSA), and reduces the potential for waste of taxpayer dollars.
  • H.R. 7789, the Planning for Animal Wellness (PAW) Act – this bill seeks to ensure that animals are considered during a disaster by establishing a working group to determine federal guidance on animal care and rescue in emergencies and natural disasters.
  • General Services Administration’s Capital Investment and Leasing Program Resolutions – these resolutions from the GSA Capital Investment and Leasing Program outline proposed capital projects for repairs and alterations to current facilities to address safety and security risk concerns, including judiciary capital security.

    “Measures approved by the Committee today will improve our Nation’s critical aerospace supply chain, and help our communities recover more quickly from disasters while also reducing duplication in disaster funding programs,” said Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Ranking Member Sam Graves (R-MO).  “The Committee also approved a measure to make necessary courthouse repairs and alterations to address judiciary capital security, which is especially timely given the ongoing threats to members of our courts.”

    Click here for the text of these measures and additional markup information.

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