Press Releases

Shuster Statement on White House Infrastructure Principles

Washington, D.C., February 12, 2018 | Justin Harclerode (202) 225-9446
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Washington, DC – House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Bill Shuster (R-PA), released the following statement in response to the White House infrastructure plan:

“An infrastructure bill needs to be bipartisan, fiscally responsible, and make real long-term investments in our Nation. By addressing the long-term sustainability of the Highway Trust Fund, exploring new ways to invest, and ensuring the fast delivery of projects, we can rebuild and improve our highways, water infrastructure, public buildings, rail transportation, and other infrastructure. 

“The President is a builder who understands the importance of infrastructure to jobs and our economy, and I welcome the release of his Administration’s principles today as Congress prepares to develop an infrastructure bill. 

“There is widespread desire to work together on this effort.  Passage of an infrastructure bill will require presidential leadership and bipartisan congressional cooperation. I look forward to the constructive debate ahead of us on this critical issue. Our constituents elected us to address the Nation’s problems, and we now have a golden opportunity to work together to do that.”

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