Press Releases

Subcommittee to Hold Hearing on the State of the U.S. Flag Maritime Industry

Washington, D.C., January 12, 2018 | Justin Harclerode (202) 225-9446
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Washington, DC – Next Wednesday, the Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation will hold a hearing to examine the state of the U.S. Flag Maritime Industry. At the hearing, the Subcommittee will hear testimony from the U.S. Coast Guard, the Maritime Administration (MARAD), and representatives of the maritime industry.

The hearing of the Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation, chaired by U.S. Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA), is entitled, “The State of the U.S. Flag Maritime Industry.” The hearing is scheduled to begin at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, January 17, 2018, in 2167 Rayburn House Office Building.

Witnesses will include:

Panel I:

  • Rear Admiral John Nadeau, Assistant Commandant for Prevention Policy, United States Coast Guard
  • Rear Admiral Mark H. Buzby, USN Ret., Administrator, Maritime Administration

Panel II:

  • Captain Andrew McGovern, President, The United New Jersey Sandy Hook Pilots Association
  • Mr. Matt Woodruff, President, American Maritime Partnership
  • Mr. James Henry, Chairman, USA Maritime
  • Mr. Aaron Smith, President and Chief Executive Officer, Offshore Marine Service Association
  • Mr. Matthew Paxton, President, Shipbuilders Council of America
  • Mr. Bill Van Loo, Secretary Treasurer, Marine Engineers’ Beneficial Association

More information about the Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation hearing, including a witness list, testimony, additional background information, and live webcast, will be posted here as it becomes available.

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