Press Releases

Shuster Announces T&I Committee Staff Changes

Washington, D.C., September 8, 2017 | Justin Harclerode (202) 225-9446
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Washington, DC – Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Bill Shuster (R-PA) today announced a number of appointments and promotions for the Committee’s staff, including three new subcommittee staff directors.

Johanna Hardy has been appointed to the position of Staff Director of the Subcommittee on Economic Development, Public Buildings, and Emergency Management.  Johanna has served as Counsel for the Subcommittee since 2008.  She has worked on a range of issues and legislation, including the Sandy Recovery Improvement Act of 2013 and the Federal Assets Sale and Transfer Act of 2016.  Johanna also previously served as Senior Counsel for the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.

Denny Wirtz has been appointed to the position of Staff Director of the Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials.  Denny has served as the Legislative Director for Chairman Shuster since 2015, after first joining the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee staff at the beginning of Shuster’s chairmanship in January 2013.  Denny’s prior experience on the Committee staff includes serving as Professional Staff at the Aviation Subcommittee and Legislative Assistant at the Full Committee.  Before first joining the Committee, Denny served served as an International Trade Specialist at the U.S. Department of Commerce in the Office of China and Mongolia.

Ian Bennitt has been appointed to the position of Staff Director of the Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment.  Ian has served as Legislative Director for U.S. Rep. Garret Graves of Louisiana, currently the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment.  Having worked most recently for a committee member from South Louisiana, he has significant experience on inland, coastal and port related water infrastructure, and clean water issues.  Prior to his service with Rep. Graves, Ian held various positions handling water and environmental issues for the U.S. maritime industry.

Collin McCune has been appointed to the position of Director of Coalitions and Outreach.  Collin joined the Committee in 2014 as Member Services Coordinator, and has served as Director of Member Services since 2015.  Over that time, Collin helped coordinate support for two Water Resources Development Acts, the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act, and other legislative efforts.  Prior to joining the Committee, Collin was Legislative Aide for Chairman Shuster.

Kathy Loden has been appointed to the position of Parliamentarian.  Kathy has almost 15 years of experience working with House and committee rules, procedure, and jurisdiction.  She joins the Transportation Committee from the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, where she served as Parliamentarian and Director of Operations.  Prior to that, she served as Director of Legislative Operations for the Committee on Natural Resources and as a Professional Staff Member at the Committee on Rules.  Kathy also worked previously in the Tax Policy Group at Deloitte Tax managing Congressional Affairs.  

Brittany Smith has been appointed to the position of Director of Member Services.  Brittany joins the Committee staff after serving in various positions over the past five years in Chairman Shuster’s congressional office, most recently as Executive Assistant to Chairman Shuster.

Hannah Matesic, the Committee’s Legislative Operations Assistant, will now be responsible for assisting the development of coalitions and in the Committee’s outreach efforts.  Hannah joined the Committee in 2015, and has served on the front office staff, as well as the Water Resources and Environment Subcommittee.

“The Committee’s excellent staff has enabled our Members to develop and pass important legislation to ensure America has a 21st century infrastructure, and I look forward to the contributions of these experienced staff members in their new roles,” said Shuster.  “We have a number of important priorities in the 115th Congress, including passing an FAA reform and reauthorization bill, moving an infrastructure bill, sending the next WRDA bill to the President, and more.”
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