Press Releases
Hearing to Focus on Interagency Cooperation and Technological Change in Federal Maritime Navigation ProgramsThe Subcommittees on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation and Water Resources and Environment will hold a joint hearing on Wednesday, September 7, 2016, at 10:00 a.m., in 2167 Rayburn House Office Building to examine federal maritime navigation programs. The Subcommittees will hear from the United States Coast Guard, the United States Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). A safe, secure, and efficient marine transportation system is critical to the U.S. economy. Waterborne cargo and associated commercial activities sustain 13 million jobs and contribute more than $649 billion to the U.S. gross domestic product annually. A major challenge facing the Nation is to improve the economic efficiency and competitiveness of the U.S. maritime sector, while reducing risks to life, property, and the coastal environment. Rapid innovation in satellite and advanced telecommunication-based navigation technologies presents new opportunities to improve the safety, security, and efficiency of the marine transportation system and reduce risks to the coastal and maritime environments. Operational integration of electronic navigation (e-navigation) technologies also pose challenges for federal and other governmental agencies, and for private commercial vessel operators and recreational boaters. The Committee will explore these issues and hear from the leaders charged with adapting these new and emerging technologies to current maritime navigation programs. The joint Subcommittee hearing, entitled, “Federal Maritime Navigation Programs: Interagency Cooperation and Technological Change,” is scheduled to begin at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, September 7, 2016 in 2167 Rayburn House Office Building. Witness List:
More information about the hearing, including testimony, additional background information, and link to live webcast, will be posted here as it becomes available.